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July 2013
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Once again, it’s been a while since I wrote a post here.  It has, unfortunately, been an interesting time in my life.  That would be an interesting times as in the old Chinese curse ‘May you live in interesting times’.  There have been some major career changes which, although they weren’t unexpected and haven’t been easy and have led to a major re-evaluation of priorities.  Whilst this has been going on there have been some major expenses, as always happens when your not in the best position to deal with them.  And, just to top it all off, it seems that the time off has allowed me to relax and recover from what has been a remarkably stressful existence over the last decade or so.  The result of which has been all the classic symptoms of stress with continuous sniffles and general feeling of not being quite right.  My particular favourite symptom being a few attacks of gout, an absolute joy as anybody who has ever suffered will surely tell you.

So, I hear you ask, what has this to do with a motorcycling blog.  Well, it’s like this.  Through all this my bike has been there as a constant, reliable pillar to lean on.  When I’ve had to take time out to think and evaluate my options I’ve gone for a ride; when I’ve needed to escape and relax, I’ve gone for a ride and when I’ve needed to bolster my spirits and cheer myself up, I’ve gone for a ride.  My passion for motorcycling has been there as something that has helped me through every step of the changes that had to be made.  It has provided peace, an escape and motivation when it was most needed and there’s always somebody to have a chat with and pass the time of day.

This isn’t something I’ve encountered in any other activity.  Our passion is a truly unique one.  No matter what we ride we share a sense of community, we have friends wherever we go who will always offer help if it’s needed.  What we have is special and I am grateful.  To each and every one of you who shares the passion and rides a bike of whatever description, Thank you.

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