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Why do you ride ?

A profound question maybe but it’s one that fascinates me and many others.  The biking demographic has changed dramatically over the years. At one time the majority of people on motorbikes were working class people who could not afford a car but needed transport for work and the family in an ever more mobile world. However, as time has gone by and we have become more prosperous car ownership has increased and the motorcycle has taken a backseat as the preferred method of transport for the average man in the street. As a result motorcycling has predominantly become a leisure activity.  

These days the average biker is an over 40 over achiever with a few quid to spare on big boys toys i.e. a motorbike. 

My own experience pretty much follows this pattern. The first bikes in my stable back before I got married was there as cheap transport for getting to work from my home a few miles outside of town. As life progressed I got married, kids came along, money wasn’t not quite such a problem and the bike went by the way. 25 years later I’m back on a bike! Why ?

For me it was a case almost of necessity. I’d reached a point in my career that was extremely stressful. The company I worked for was being bought by a huge Japanese corporation, I was having to make members of my team redundant and my personal workload was increasing by a ridiculous amount. Purely by chance I ended up at Silverstone promoting an event with my brother who asked me when I last rode a bike. To cut a long story short I was handed the keys for a Honda VFR800 and spent a very enjoyable couple of hours riding around the perimeter track. That reawakened my love of two wheels and reminded me of the intensity of the experience. From there I ended up buying another bike and have been riding ever since. It wouldn’t be over stating the case to say riding saved me from a breakdown and has brought my wife and I even closer. I love being out there and being part of the world I ride through rather than a spectator watching the world pass by my windscreen. I love the fact that my wife always wants to come with me and share the experience. The peace and enjoyment riding brings me is invaluable, it’s just so involving. Add to that the sense of community you just don’t get in any other group of people I’ve ever met and it’s difficult to imagine a good reason not to ride.

For me it is true to say that 4 wheels move the body but 2 wheels move the soul.

So, my question to you is why do you ride ?

Please leave your comments, I’m really interested to know what appeals to you. Is your bike your daily transport out of choice or necessity. Do you ride for fun, on your own or with a group. Tell us how you got involved in the first place and what your biking aspirations are…


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